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Dynamic Look And Feel Changer



This plugin is used to change the look and feel of the Netbeans IDE dynamically


Netbeans Plugin Site :





After the plugin is installed, a new page would have been added in Options -> Miscellaneous - > Dynamic Look And Feel Changer tab.


NetBeans Plugin - Dynamic Look And Feel Changer



The first text field "Current Look And Feel" shows the current look and feel class that is currently active



The second text field "Currently Configured Look And Feel" shows the look and feel that is configured in this page. This will be empty until the Look and Feel is  set for the first time. 



After it is set for the first time, during every restart of Netbeans IDE, the configured Look and feel will be set by this plugin. This will override the LAF configuration in the netbeans.conf file, if any



The list "Available Look and Feels" will show all the installed Look And Feel class names. Click "Set Look and Feel" button to set the selected look and feel


Update History


  1. Netbeans' WindowManager.updateUI() called while changing the LAF

  2. Plugin documentation site modified

  3. Installation requires restart of netbeans

Version 1.0.3
  1. Issue in setting the Look And Feel worked around

Version 1.0.0

First version

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